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Abiding Word Lutheran Church is looking for an administrative assistant.


Worship Service

9:00 AM Fellowship

9:00 AM Adult Bible

10:00 AM Service

Online Giving

Learn ways to give to Abiding Word Lutheran Church with all of our programs and functions. We reach the community through several different means. To learn more click on the outreach button. Or to give, click on the Online Giving button.

 -A B I D E -


We confess all living individuals are created by the same creator, and therefore we welcome y'all to worship and learn with us.

Quick Reference

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 - W O R S H I P -

Sunday Schedule:
Central Standard
9:30 AM Coffee and Donuts

9:00 AM Adult Bible Study
9:00 AM Sunday School

10:00 AM Worship

Concrete Wall

- C O N T A C T -


464 Oak Tree Crossing Dr, Brenham, TX 77833

Concrete Wall

- C A L E N D A R -

If you want to see what is happening at Abiding Word Lutheran Church, please click on more 

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1 Peter 1:24-25

“All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord abides for ever. That Word is the Good News which was preached to you.”

Affiliated with Lutheran Congregations in Missions for Christ
Affiliated with the North American Lutheran Church and Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

©2024 by Abiding Word Lutheran Church.

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