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Abiding Word Lutheran Church is actively involved in the community and ministry. We invite you to read about our ministries and take part in the the ministries we offer.

Picture of communion sets used to deliver communion to home-bound individuals

Communion for Shut-ins

Abiding Word Lutheran has members of all ages that are unable to attend church for multiple reason. We have implemented a group of individuals to bring the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ to these individuals so they can enjoy the promise given them through these elements.

Basket Brigade

In 2017 the Journey Together Women’s Bible Study Group decided we wanted a service project where we could reach out to the community. Basket Brigade was discussed and started. Once we presented to the Abiding Word Lutheran Church Congregation, the Congregation decided they wanted to give to Seniors.


Basket Brigade donates baskets of food to homebound Seniors in the month of November before Thanksgiving. A note is put in the basket that reads “This is a gift from someone who cares about you. Wishing you a Blessed Thanksgiving.”


The notion behind the Basket Brigade is that one small act of generosity on the part of one caring person can transform the lives of so many people. Our goal each year has grown so we can reach more Seniors. In our first year our goal was 20 baskets; we distributed 42 baskets. Last year we distributed over 70 baskets.  This year’s goal is even more baskets.


We are most appreciative of the past support we have received and look forward to sharing future news with you. 


Abiding Word Lutheran Church is home to Troop TX-777.


Trail Life focuses on Scripture and God engaging with ages 5 -18. We help grow children in character and relationship with the community with a strong male mentorship. The learn skills for leadership, how to serve their community, and understand their purpose.

The Brenham Pregnancy Center in Brenham, Texas, is a prolife clinic to help women and men who are expecting unexpectedly. They offer support through classes, ways to get medical care, and mentorship for the upcoming familes.


When you arrive at the pregnancy center, you are met wtih individuals ready to help you through the journey with support and gentle care.


Some of the great care you will recive:

  •  If you are expecting and carry the child to birth, the family receives help and care until the child reaches age four.

  • If you lose your child because of a still birth or miscarriage you as a family can still receive help and support for one year

  • If you have an abortion, you can still have care and comfort with the Brenham Pregnancy Center for one year.


Things to know about PP:

  • If you have an abortion, Planned Parenthood no longer helps you through the loss of your child including medical, spritiual, and emotional help

  • They will fly you out of Texas on a scholarship to get an abortion, but offer no help after or after care.


How can you help?


Currently the BPC is looking for people willing to bring in food through a meal train website. 

1 Peter 1:24-25

“All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord abides for ever. That Word is the Good News which was preached to you.”

Affiliated with Lutheran Congregations in Missions for Christ
Affiliated with the North American Lutheran Church and Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

©2024 by Abiding Word Lutheran Church.

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