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Hunting Arrows


†Ps 127 Our houses and the families within them are God’s gifts. However, our walls are fragile and our rooms are empty without His blessing. The Lord leads us to value His gifts and to commit them to His watchful care. He will preserve us unto life everlasting. 

Fill our homes with devout children, our heritage from You. Give us this faith and help us build our homes and families on the security of Your Word. Amen.

Various Authors. The Lutheran Study Bible . Concordia Publishing House. Kindle Edition. 

Raising Arrows is a homeschool coop that gathers monthly at Abiding Word Lutheran Church. The mission is to help support one another in homeschooling and give the children time to socialize and play with one another. We are a Christian based group with confessions rooted in scripture and recognize Christ as our Lord and savior.


I want to welcome your interest in the Raising Arrows Co-op! I want to utilize this e-mail to let you know our mission and goal!


Our mission is to foster a community of Christian homeschooling families.

We are a community co-op that informally meets Tuesdays from 11am-1pm (this is flexible). The 2nd Tuesday of the month we currently meet at Abiding Word Lutheran in Brenham TX from 11am-1pm (come and go as you wish).  This will be where we celebrate holidays, have activities for all ages, and fellowship time for parents as we are able! We also schedule field trips that are currently optional to attend! Individuals from the co-op can post meet ups on Tuesdays at local Brenham, TX parks as well! 


If this type of co-op is of interest to your family, we welcome you to fill out a questionnaire and submit. We will be in touch with you soon after! Thank you!


P.S. At this time 2nd Tuesdays always have an activity; other Tuesdays may not have an activity posted. Families are encouraged to reach out to me if the wish to schedule a park meet up or plan a field trip on a Tuesday. Preferably the event is on or near the time posted. We are doing this to ensure that any activity posted has at least one family in attendance to be the point of contact for that meet up.


Mia Mills, RA Brenham Coordinator

1 Peter 1:24-25

“All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord abides for ever. That Word is the Good News which was preached to you.”

Affiliated with Lutheran Congregations in Missions for Christ
Affiliated with the North American Lutheran Church and Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

©2024 by Abiding Word Lutheran Church.

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