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~ G I V I N G ~


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Abiding Word Lutheran Church

464 Oak Tree Crossing

Brenham, TX 77833

in person giving

We collect offering in person each Sunday during worship

Online giving

You can set an automatic monthly payment online by credit card by clicking on the give button.

The Joy of Generosity

The New Testament church in the first century describes what the early church did for tithing. We should realize that the New Testament is descriptive and not prescriptive. Descriptive describes what something is or what it is about, while prescriptive is what to do for a reward. 


In the early church, the tithes and offerings of the old testament were 21.9%. In the New Testament, tithes help to pay for the pastor (1 Cor. 9:3-18), humanitarian needs, missions (Rom. 15:24Tit. 3:13), and to support other churches (Matt. 28:18-29).


​The primary position is to care for the building and the congregation. The second is humanitarian aid.


​Humanitarian aid is needed to help others with electricity, food, clothing, housing, and other necessary support. You are providing the daily bread to those that cannot provide for themselves or get daily bread because of sin in the world.

The third reason is to help other churches and to help plant other churches. You find this in the epistles and acts.


​Abiding Word Lutheran needs your support to continue serving the area. Please consider donating time and money.


Give: Give

1 Peter 1:24-25

“All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord abides for ever. That Word is the Good News which was preached to you.”

Affiliated with Lutheran Congregations in Missions for Christ
Affiliated with the North American Lutheran Church and Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

©2024 by Abiding Word Lutheran Church.

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